Friday, August 6, 2010

To Brandi on Bedrest

For my dear friend and sister in Christ, Brandi, on bedrest in the hospital (you know who you are), keep that baby boy cooking! Rejoicing that he is staying you are staying put. Here's some reading links for you, and all of my readers.

  • I'm not sure if I have a favorite book of the Bible, but Galatians has to be in the top three. Here's a wonderful, humorous article titled "If Paul's Epistle to the Galatians was Published in Christianity Today.
  • Katie always inspires. How can she not, a young woman who is now a parent of fourteen?
  • The oldest farm in America is closing its doors, selling its equipment. Here's their announcement on their own website. (Thanks, Ann.)
  • Being freed from legalism is always controversial, difficult, and always worth it. Here's one woman's story about leaving a lifestyle steeped in rules and regulations, for a lifestyle that is centered on Christ alone. Can there be a better title than "How I ditched the denim jumper for blue jeans"!!?
  • I don't have the time to put one of these together, but I just might be hinting to all you locals (except Bedrest Brandi) to do so and invite me. Put me down for pretzel sticks and paper napkins, promise.
  • Click on this one if you love history and want to see it in color. Some of the rare color photography from the early 1900's.
  • I love Ann, don't you? One of the few blogs I read every day. And one of the few blogs that leave me more in love with Jesus than I was before I read it.
Resting in Him Who Weaves Babies and Mamas,

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