Monday, May 17, 2010

Do you have a home improvement store near you?

If not, you might want to consider moving near one. They are better than the local playground, if you ask me. Or my kids.

With Real Gil working on Saturday evening, the kids and I went to Home Depot with the intention of purchasing interior paint for my still-naked bedroom walls. In retrospect, I should have realized that looking through hundreds of paint swatches was not the childrens' idea of fun. And it wasn't my idea of productive. I finally grabbed handfuls of paint swatches and made a bee line for the exit.

We got a bit waylaid on the way out... riding lawn mowers.

And the collection of outdoor porch swings.
Note: they are holding my paint swatches as if that
justifies our many detours.

We ended by playing "kitchen" in the custom cabinet section.

We left with nary a purchase, and I'm no closer to finding paint for my nekked bedroom. This bedroom would wrap a towel around those bare walls if she could. I was going for a "primitive" look when we moved in three years ago and never decorated. Or maybe it was the "lazy" look. Either way, it's not cutting it anymore.

But I'm working on it...when Real Gil watches the kids so I can go to the paint store. Alone.

Resting in Him,

1 comment:

Kim said...

I have to tell you (and assure you this is not just flattery)... those are some stinking cute kids you have there!

And looks like you guys can have fun anywhere. Good luck with the redecorating and I hope you enjoy your last few days with sister and nephews!