Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Apparently, my little niece didn't like my baby bump jokes. So, to my little sister on bedrest: read on if you want, or go play a round of Bananagrams if you don't want to.

My favorite link...
  • My chore-chart nagging days are over very reduced! If you only click on one link, this is the one I'd tell you to go check out. An actual quote you would have heard from the mouth of this mother today in this house: "Please, please. Stop being responsible, stop doing chores, just go and play!" True story. Yes! This place is FREE, it is super simple to organize, and so far, kid-friendly. You set up the chores you want done for each day, week, or specific days of the week. Then, you set up each child's account, and they can update their chart as they complete their chores. You determine the value of each chore and they can even redeem their "points" with rewards of your choice, either through ideas you have at home (ice cream date, or game night, or date out with Daddy) or even through Amazon. Our favorite part - the chance to write little notes to each of my kids on their chore list. My seven-year old was caught writing me notes back. Too fun! You can also add "extra chores" that kids can do for extra points - I found a kid scooping poop today! Check it out, or forever nag your kids. (If wants to send me lots of money for this unsolicited promotion, I will gladly accept it.)

On parenting...
  • Good reminders abound here - like "formulas do not work!" and "Jesus' life is my example." I'm a better parent for reading this.
  • This daddy stayed home from work, and made me cheer at the screen!

On domestics...
  • If I needed a daybed, I'd be asking one amazing husband to try his hand at this. Beauty!

[Photo credit:]

If I needed a guest bedroom, I'd be asking one amazing husband for this. Kevin and Layla never cease to amaze me. Oh yes, that's antique gym flooring on the wall. And I'm cheering like an
old-school pompom girl!

On faith...
  • "But as Christians–as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ–our allegiance is not to causes, lifestyles, diet, dress codes or social customs. Our allegiance is to Christ and His great commandment to us is to love God and love our neighbor." Great quote, great article.
  • Is there anything more inspiring on this Christian walk then watching the victorious walk of others? This saint has long been a heroine of mine...
  • "Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up." One must always come before the other. Love never fails, says Big Mama.
On randomness...
  • About ten years ago, they built an In-N-Out hamburger joint within driving distance of our home. And I officially put away my patty-pounding capabilities. I could make good hamburgers, but theirs are better. So, I gave up. From some folks who ordered every item on the menu, the In-N-Out insider's jargon is here.
  • You know something is funny when you laugh at your computer screen, with no one else around. This sucker passed that test. Just ask my computer screen. Check out the hilarious comments folks made for this sacred sandwich.

Grace to You Today,

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